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9 Expert Organizing Tips to Make Your Move Easier

9 Expert Organizing Tips to Make Your Move Easier

A few expert moving tips can make the whole process much easier than if we put things off to the last minute. We want to start prepping early. We want to figure out what we need and what we can get rid of. We can organize our things in our current home just so we can...

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How to Organize Your Move | HGTV

How to Organize Your Move | HGTV

Moving is always a stressful experience for everyone involved, but there are steps you can take that will help you relieve some of anxiety and help you organize the move. Consider creating a binder that will hold all your important documents, planner and checklists....

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How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving

How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving

Anyone who has ever lived anywhere for more than three years running understands that things pile up and accumulate. Moreover, getting rid of these piles can be incredibly difficult, as they consist of items that come attached with tender memories and a sense of who...

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6 Tips on How to Maximize Closet Space

6 Tips on How to Maximize Closet Space

With some focus and creativity, you can maximize your closet space. One idea is to store off-season clothing in plastic bins. It also helps to invest in quality hangers for shirts, pants and skirts. Make efficient use of floor space with a shoe rack or a small...

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