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What to put in storage when moving

Moving is a stressful complex process and it involves a lot of planning, administrating and strategizing. One of the decisions that is most important while moving is the decision about what to take and what has to be left behind. The type of items and the number of...

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5 Things to Consider Before Buying an Old House

Buying an old house can bring charm and craftsmanship to one’s life and there are several things that have to be said about it. But one needs to also uncover the mishaps and ill luck that could be lying in wait at each corner of the walls of that old house. The author...

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How to Prepare for Moving to a Cold Climate

For those who have never in their life lived in a climate that is cold, moving to one when they are adult might seem like moving to a new country and a new culture. One will have to consider a lot of things that one never thought about while living in a more moderate...

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7 Tips To Make Packing Easier

At some point in our lives, most of us will move, but packing can be a daunting prospect. There are some ways to make it easier, though. First, don't procrastinate, start as early as you can. Second, pack one room at a time, don't mix items from different rooms. Use...

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7 Reasons to Hire Professional Movers

Moving is almost always a daunting task, but hiring professionals can save both time and money throughout the process. Even packing, which consumes over one-fourth of moving funds, can be done more effectively by putting professionals on the job. Hiring a professional...

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Tips for Helping Your Pets Adjust to a New Home

Moving to a new home with pets can be difficult for you and your pets. Your pets can experience a lot of anxiety due to it. You should make sure that you maintain whatever routine you had with them beforehand. Since some pets rely on their sense of smell, you should...

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How To Have a Successful Garage Sale

When I was little, I remember one of the most exciting things my mom and I did was going to garage sales. Walking into everyone’s clean space filled with things I would love to have but couldn’t afford to pay $30 was amazing. Creating a successful garage sale involves...

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