Using your student loans to either move from home to your university or from your university to your first job can be a good way to break an otherwise large expense into more manageable installments, and also to delay payments until after graduating. This is...
7 Ways to Move a Closet Full of Hanging Clothes, Shoes & More
7 Ways to Move a Closet Full of Hanging Clothes, Shoes & More Closets can contain a heavy multitude of items requiring special packing and moving. A great way to start is with wardrobe boxes, essentially small cardboard closets with metal hanger bars that let you hang...
The smart way to move
Every American across our nation has moved a total of five times within their lifetime so far. Even with this large amount of moving going on, less than 20% of these people have hired a professional mover. Most are not keen on spending the extra cash to hire an...
How to Manage Your Car Insurance During a Move
How to Manage Your Car Insurance During a Move Many people fail to realize how important it is to familiarize yourself with your new state's auto insurance laws before you officially make your move. There are many factors to consider such as if your current policy...
How to Pack a Bathroom for Moving: Bathroom Packing Guide
Are you moving and getting ready to pack up the items in your bathroom? We have some advice for you. It can be trickier than you think to pack your bathroom. For starters, you use things in your bathroom every day so you have to time your packing correctly....
Garden Help Desk: Protecting your plants while moving
Garden Help Desk: Protecting your plants while moving Are you in the process of moving and worried that your plants might not survive the transfer? Well, you are not alone, so we have some tips to help you and your plant. Take a few weeks off from fertilizing it...
Long Distance House Hunting? 7 Tips for Making It a Success
Long Distance House Hunting? 7 Tips for Making It a Success House hunting in its own right can be quite a daunting task to engage in, but doing so in an area that is far away from your current location can be even harder. Be sure that you hire a reputable realtor that...
The Minimalist Move: How to Lighten Your Load Before You Pack
The Minimalist Move: How to Lighten Your Load Before You Pack Allowing yourself to adapt to a more minimalist style for moving is a great way to downsize on both your future clutter and packing efforts. The first task to tackle should be sorting through your items in...