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Packing Timeline For Moving: Your Own Packing Checklist

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Features

Moving can be a very stressful process if it is poorly planned. If you wait until the last minute to pack up all of your belongings, it will make the moving process even more stressful. However, if you begin packing at least a month in advance, then the process will be much easier. You can start by simply packing up things you do not need, such as non-seasonal clothing items, and then save the crucial items, such as bathroom items and electronics, for last.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moving house is an extremely busy period where the success often depends on the ability to tackle one tough task after another. Time management is crucial and failure to optimize the weeks, days, and hours you are given could can lead to catastrophic results.
  • If you manage to keep things organized and succeed in keeping your focus when packing up your home for moving, then you should be able to finish the packing process comfortably ahead of time.
  • Once you have taken care of all the items that can be safely pre-packed, turn your attention to the non-essentials found in your home – anything that you won’t really come to need in the next few weeks.

“Two weeks before the arrival of the most important day of your household move is a good time to start packing any items that you rarely use. Keep in mind that 2 weeks may seem like enough time at first but that is the period when time seems to be quickening its pace and you won’t even realize when your moving day comes banging on your front door.”


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