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How to stay organized when moving?

by | Mar 7, 2017 | Features

Without a doubt, you’ve often heard that proper organization is the key to success. This is especially true when moving house – there are so many important things to take care of and arduous tasks to complete before moving day that without good organization you’ll be completely at a loss as to what to do. However well-organized your move may be, though, it won’t be enough to ensure a smooth and trouble-free relocation unless you find a way to stay organized throughout the entire process.

Key Takeaways:

  • It will be much easier to find out which of your old items you’ll be able to use in your new surroundings and which of them will fit in the available space if you create a detailed floor plan of your new residence.
  • Still another indispensable reference list, your moving inventory sheet will allow you to sort out your belongings and keep track of your possessions throughout the entire moving process.
  • Once you set aside the items you’re not going to take to your new home, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible – otherwise they will clutter your space and contribute to the moving chaos in your home.

“Break up every major packing task into easily achievable mini-goals to keep better track of your progress and to avoid being overwhelmed by the enormity of the packing endeavor.”


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