Using your student loans to either move from home to your university or from your university to your first job can be a good way to break an otherwise large expense into more manageable installments, and also to delay payments until after graduating. This is especially a good option when you can pay your student debt reasonably comfortably, and when you know you have a job waiting for you. It can also help you focus on your new school or job rather than on moving. In either case, a professional moving service can help you make the most of whatever money you use to finance a move.
Key Takeaways:
- Moving costs can be incredibly expensive, and loans can be very helpful in alleviating these costs.
- The best time to use student loans for moving costs is when you have a job lined up soon, as you know you will soon be financially stable.
- School is always the most important purpose of these loans, though, so make sure your academic expenses take priority.
“Whether you’re moving into your college housing or leaving the university nest for your first job, you might consider using student loans to finance your moving costs.”