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How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving

by | Mar 23, 2023 | Features

Various objects accumulate in our living spaces after a while. This is unavoidable, especially since objects in our homes are part of our identity. However, when it’s time to move, it becomes clear that many belongings may not have a place in the new home. Plus, moving everything from the old home into the new one represents an unnecessary complication and expense.
Moving in itself isn’t cheap – the process may cost over $4,000 in some cases. The shipment weight largely impacts the final price, which means that the fewer things you transport, the less the move will cost.

The solution is simple in principle and comes down to selecting what to take along and what to leave behind. Doing so will help save time, money, and precious storage space. However, getting rid of stuff before the move will be a bit more complicated.

First, sort all the items into a few categories: valuables and necessary, unneeded, and obsolete items. Of course, valuables and necessary items will find their place in the new home. Unneeded and obsolete objects won’t.

Second, once the selection is made, it will be time to determine what to do with the things left behind. There are three main options here: sell, give away, or recycle.

Selling can be done online or via a traditional yard or garage sale. The primary concern in either case will be to determine the right price for each item. Additionally, the belongings that are to be sold should be cleaned, repaired, and made as presentable as possible.

Giving things away can be an alternative to selling. Various items might be a welcome gift to a friend or family member. Even better, household items can be donated to a charity. Fortunately, several organizations accept donations for the less fortunate.

Finally, if the belongings are in poor condition and unfit for sale or giving away, they can be taken to a recycling center.

Key Takeaways:

  • • Find stuff that you haven’t used in a while and throw it away.
  • • Having less items to move will make it much easier and faster when you move.
  • • Decluttering your home before the move will help you save money in the long run.

“If you’ve lived under one roof for more than 5 years, then the chances are that you will be surrounded by a great number of material things that are supposed to make your life easier and more fun.”

Read more:


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