When you are choosing the best date to move, a lot of it ultimately comes down to where you’re moving to and the circumstances around it. For example, if you are moving into college there isn’t much flexibility available as you can only move in once the dorms open. If there is flexibility available for your moving date, it’s beneficial to pick a date during the offseason. This is sometime between September and May and is when moving prices are the lowest.
Key Takeaways:
- If you are starting a new job, you basically have no control over your moving date as you’ll have to move when your job is ready.
- If you are moving to a college you also won’t have much flexibility as you’ll have to move in once the dorms open.
- The best time to move is during the off-season which is September to May because this is when demand is lowest and prices are also lowest.
“When scheduling a move, it’s important to understand which days in a month are more advantageous for house moving and which ones are less so. It’s great to have the freedom to pick the date of your move freely, but the idea is to also get some sort of a bonus – reduced moving costs in most cases.”