When you run your own business, it’s easy to take the minute details for granted, but the importance of a clean floor should not be ignored! More than just good looks, a clean floor is literally the foundation on which your business operates day-to-day. Is a dirty floor making your employees sick? Is bad morale catching quicker than the common cold? Are your visitors noticing that your clean-cut brand looks old and ragged? Are keeping dirty floors actually leading to floor damage? Look down next time you take a walk through the office, and convince yourself: it is time to hire a professional cleaning service!! Your employees health and peace of mind is worth it!
Key Takeaways:
- Most people forget or ignore what is beneath their feet and that is why both in residential and commercial buildings, they tend to forget the floors.
- When cleaning, anything that is not discarded ends up in the floor, and ignoring the floor might seem a minor issue but it can hurt the business.
- Dirty floors have been related to the high incidence of sick leaves in a company. This is because the floors carry a lot of germs and bacteria.
“These funds can be channeled to the company, rather than being spent on health-related issues. Employees who are more concerned about their health issues tend to pay less attention to the core tasks at workplaces, and hence become less productive.”
Read more: https://executive-clean.com/how-dirty-floors-could-be-hurting-your-business/