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When is the Best Time of Year to Move?

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Features

If you are looking to move, one of the things that you can do is that to pick the right time of the year to move. All of the seasons have their pros and cons with the exception of winter time. During the spring is a great time to move because the weather is nice. The summer time is also good, while it might be hot, it is the best time to sell a home.

Key Takeaways:

  • During the spring is good because the weather will usually be good.
  • The summer is a good time because that is usually when homes sell for the most.
  • Usually in the Autumn the buyers market will start to cool down making it easier and faster to sell.

“About 70% of moves occur between Memorial Day and Labor Day, making it a competitive season for everyone.”

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