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The Ultimate Moving Guide: The Do’s and Don’ts of a Successful Move

by | Jun 10, 2020 | Features

There are many important things that you should know when moving. First, organize your packing and throwing out of items by doing one room per day. You also should be packing things that are fragile and marking them to prevent those items from being broken. When hiring a moving company, do research in order to get the best price and hire a company with a good reputation. It is also very important that you don’t pack flammable items in a moving van as that can lead to severe injury.

Key Takeaways:

  • Allow yourself to go through one room per day as this will help you be organized and not burn out.
  • Make sure all of your boxes that have fragile items inside them are marked properly in order to prevent them from breaking.
  • Don’t pack flammable items or perishables in a moving van as that can be extremely dangerous and lead to injury.

“there are many people who recognize the time-saving and stress-reducing value of working with a moving company.”

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