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Pros and Cons of Moving Into a Bigger House

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Features

There are both pros and cons when it comes to moving into a bigger house. Some of the pros is that you will have a much larger living space which will allow for everyone to be more comfortable. You also will probably have a spare guest room you can use when people come to visit. However, you also will have to pay much higher costs such as property taxes and maintenance costs. Finally, you will have to spend more time and energy maintaining your new home too.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not only can a larger home mean more actual space for the people living there, it can also make those family visits much smoother.
  • In a larger space, there can be room to pursue personal activities you might not otherwise.
  • Some disadvantages of moving to a bigger home are the increased cost of the initial purchase as well as the required time and money spent maintaining a larger space.

“Ultimately, more living space means more breathing space without having to bump into each other all the time.”

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