Moving off campus can save you a lot of money but you must be aware of some new costs that come with becoming a commuter student. You will need to buy groceries. A commuter meal plan may also help those times while you are on campus. It is nice to be able to cook for yourself, which brings up another go to item you will need. Cookware doesn’t have to be super expensive and can be purchased at Target or Walmart. You will also want to stock up on cleaning supplies and Medicines. Purchase before they are needed and you will be enjoying your lifestyle all the more.
Key Takeaways:
- While you will need groceries to live off campus, a commuter meal plan can still be very handy when you are busy.
- You should invest in an inexpensive set of pots, pans, and other cookware, as well as basic cleaning supplies.
- It is also important to acquire basic medical and first aid supplies, including common over-the-counter medications.
“Though it can be nerve-wracking, off-campus life can be more enjoyable and less expensive than living in a dorm.”
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