These days, surprises are not uncommon. Having to move in a hurry is one of them. It would be advisable to take note of key points in a smooth move. Make your decision when it comes to hiring a moving company and be sure to compare prices. When you are packing, the rule of thumb is if you haven’t used it in 6 months, your probably don’t need it, so get rid of unnecessary things. Always have a special bag set aside for immediate necessities and a great tip is to use your soft clothes as packing material.
Key Takeaways:
- It would be nice if you had a lot of time to plan for a move, but there are a lot of details you need to keep in mind.
- You will first want to get rid of all the things that you don’t need, so you have less to pack.
- Pack things where they fit, don’t worry about giving each box a theme, that will lead to too many boxes.
“Moving is a process rife with tiny details and individual tasks, and three or four weeks, at minimum, is generally preferred for doing it right.”
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