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Is Hustle Culture Dying?

by | Nov 9, 2023 | Features

A phrase I hear a lot is work-life balance, typically from my younger employees and people burnt out on work they hate. And while I wholeheartedly believe that balance is necessary and enjoying your life is vital, there is something to be said about a good hustler. What if you consistently prioritize fun and relaxation in your life above all else and you never reach the goals in life you are trying to ultimately achieve? This type of mindset can keep you in the same position, for years, maybe for life.

Now, before you say ok boomer, life is short we want to have fun, think about the long term. What if you work hard now, and you get to play hard later? What if there are periods in your life that are your “hustle seasons?” What does that look like? As an example, in the moving industry, our work is somewhat seasonal. I tell my guys “work hard now, grind it out, make that money while you can because winter will be here before you know it.” Hustle hard now, to set yourself up for long term success and ENJOYMENT.

Today, I see a lot of people opening up businesses- LLCs, and creating FB and Instagram pages, expecting a flood of business to come their way while contributing non-existent consistency or any resemblance of the foundation of hard work. Unfortunately, they quickly and quietly fade into the background, wondering why their business failed. If you are trying to do something extraordinary, you have to put in something extraordinary.

It may be an old-fashioned thing to say, but it makes me sad to think about the death of Hustle Culture, because in these seasons we find out who we are, what we are capable of and the pressure we can endure.



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