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How to Pack a Desktop Computer for Moving: 10 PC Packing Steps

by | Oct 16, 2020 | Features

There are a few things that you need to know when it comes to packing your desktop computer for a move. First, make sure you get the right packing boxes for your computer. If you have the original boxes, those will work perfectly. Make sure that you get bubble wrap or some kind of padded material to protect your computer while in the box. Finally, make sure to backup all of your important data so that if something goes wrong, you still have access to it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make sure that you get the proper wrapping and padding to protect your PC such as bubble wrap.
  • Backup all of the important data on your computer so that if anything goes wrong, you can still access that data.
  • Keep your computer tower assembled so that after the move you can just take it out of the packaging and put it in it’s new space.

“The best way to pack a computer for moving is to use the boxes which came with the mid-tower, computer monitor, and any other peripheral device that you bought separately. Why? Those original computer boxes are custom-made to fit the computer parts and that’s why they offer the best possible protection.”

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