Apartment living is desired by many people but there is an increased risk of fire in these dwelling units that residents must protect themselves and the people they love against. It’s not difficult to add extra means of fire protection to the apartment. For example, creating a fire safety plan and decluttering the apartment are two of the easiest ways to keep your apartment fire-safe. There’s other ways to keep the risk of fire down that you can use to stay safe.
Key Takeaways:
- People tend to underestimate the risks of fires although fires are the most common disaster that people will encounter.
- To keep a home fire free, experts advise that one declutters the home because clutter makes fires to start easily and spread faster.
- Make sure that your smoke alarms are in good condition by checking them all the time and never forget to check the batteries.
“Apartment fires, much like house fires, are caused by mishaps involving everyday activities such as cooking, heating, using appliances and electrical malfunctions, according to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA).”
Read more: https://blog.allstate.com/fire-safety-tips-for-apartment-living/