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6 Proven Ways to Minimize Stress When You Move

by | Dec 29, 2023 | Moving

Moving to a new home can be a very stressful experience. Even if you’ve relocated before, moving requires a great deal of planning, organizing, and budgeting to do successfully.
Use these six methods to make the move less stressful.

Give Yourself Time
If you’re feeling rushed, your stress level will keep increasing until you break. Start preparing for the move early, declutter your house, get rid of unneeded items, and pack items not needed until after you move to get a head start.

Create a Budget
By seeing a written down version of your expenses for the move, you’ll feel better about not having any hidden costs. You can then set away some money for emergencies without wondering what happens if something pops up.

Use Professional Movers
If your budget allows for it, consider hiring a moving company to take care of the heavy lifting and reduce any strain or stress on you.

Organize Paperwork
Keep your IDs, Medical Records, and important documents related to your move all in one folder for ease of access. This will allow you to have your important paperwork close to hand for when you need it, reducing the need for a stress-induced search.

Ask Loved Ones for Help
Consider asking your family or friends to come over and help you pack or load furniture away. Make a night of it by ordering takeout and enjoy an evening together. This may be the last time you can get everyone together for a while so enjoy your time together, create memories, and turn a stressful situation into a bonding event.

Create an Essentials Kit
Have a bag full of toiletries, snacks, kitchen utensils, medicine, clothes, and other essential items to make sure you can comfortably get through your first night in the new house. This will help you feel at ease knowing you have a safety net to fall back on if you need something in the middle of your first night.

Key Takeaways:

  • One way to minimize the stress of a move is to create a budget by calculating your costs ahead of time.
  • Organize all of your paperwork in a moving binder so that you can get your hands on important documents when you need them.
  • Enlist friends and family to help with packing and order some takeout to make it fun.

“The good news is that there are plenty of ways to minimize stress so your move can actually be a positive and rewarding experience.”

Read more:


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