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5 Expert Tips How To Organize Your Home As a Couple

by | Aug 21, 2018 | Features

5 Expert Tips How To Organize Your Home As a Couple

Getting organized can be a daunting prospect, but procrastination makes it even more (seemingly) overwhelming. It can be especially complicated when a new couple has to consolidate both of their belongings into one shared space. Get rid of duplicate items by selling them, donating them or discarding them, and do the same for things from your registry that you received but don’t want. Plan how to use space ahead of time. Finally, create your own spaces within closets and other household areas, but use a consistent system for organizing both of your things.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be willing to sell, donate or discard duplicate household items and unwanted registry gifts.
  • Plan ahead how you will use the space in your new home to store and organize both of your belongings — don’t put it off.
  • Designate your own sections of storage areas, but use a consistent organization system for both of your things.

“If you’re anything like us, you live in a constant state of wishing that you were more organized, while living in some sort of delicately controlled chaos (think: your apartment looks put-together, but don’t open the second cabinet on the right…).”

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